Dr Li Dak Sum Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Lectures 
Since 2013, SHKDI has invited eminent scholars and policy experts on economics and finance to give annual lectures at CUHK on current hot topics in Shanghai and Hong Kong to academics, professionals, policymakers and the wider public. The lecture series is named after Hong Kong entrepreneur and philanthropist Dr Li Dak Sum in recognition of his generous donation.

SHKDI Annual Conferences 
SHKDI organizes international conferences in Shanghai and Hong Kong alternately to provide an opportunity for entrepreneurs, academics and policy-makers to engage in dialogue on the most contemporary subjects relating to the future development of the two cities.
Shanghai Forums 
Every year, political dignitaries, distinguished scholars, and business leaders will share their thoughts and insights at Shanghai Forum. SHKDI partners with the Forum to host roundtables on Shanghai-Hong Kong development to showcase the modernization of China to enterprises, universities, think tanks and media at home and abroad.